Build and use AI apps for your business

Use pre-made apps or fit them into your workflow - no coding needed.

More apps soon!
More apps soon!
More apps soon!
More apps soon!
More apps soon!
More apps soon!

Got an idea for the app?

We are testing and will help you create your first apps. You can share them with friends and clients, or use them internally.

Build your own

Magic in your hands

Use our builder to make your own apps. We've got a bunch of AI models helping you can do it all. Easy jobs or tough ones, we've got your back.

Use anywhere

Use apps wherever you need

Web app

Generate website with you app and connect your domain


Integrate apps with your API or use webhooks

Chrome extension

Run on any webpage or input


Create bots on Slack, Discord or Telegram with our apps intalled

ChatGPT plugin

We automatically generate plugin for every app you build


Connect Proposer with Zapier, Make or other tools

Dedicated team

Want a custom solution for your enterprise?

Dedicated team that can create custom AI use cases for your company. Excellent privacy and full control over process.

Learn more
Looking at your case

Exploring ways to solve your case with ML models

Preparing a tailor-made solution

Our tech combines multiple models to meet your case. We tune the process to achieve an acceptable result.

Deploying and integrating with your infrastructure

As a stand-alone product or as a microservice for an existing. Preparing a guide on how to manage the app.


Pricing plans

Disclosing future plans for our software

Pay per use
Use all apps from App Library
Pay only for app computing
or $450 yearly
Proposer App Builder
Unlimited amount of apps
Unlimited users
API access for each app
or $1,950 yearly
A/B testing
Scheduled apps
Private support
1M tokens included
Custom solution
One-off payment
Custom AI chain
Installed on your server
Dedicated support
Extended warranty
Private fine-tuning
Learn more
Data security

We cover your privacy issues


No use of data for training

We only use trusted vendors who don't use data for training. And we don't store it on our servers.


Trusted providers

OpenAI, Anthropic, Stability, ElevenLabs. They all guarantee safety and don't use data for training.


Custom solutions

We're ready to create private solution for your enterprise and roll out on your servers

Got an idea for the app?

We are testing and will help you create your first apps. You can share them with friends and clients, or use them internally.